Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Exciting News!!

We had a fabulous Christmas at home in ND with my family. We arrived late Wednesday night after battling drifting snow on the roads. We were even more excited to share with our family that we will be expecting a new little one next August!!
Anyone who knows our situation and the struggles we had to have Maddie will know this baby is truly a gift from God! I still am amazed that I actually got pregnant and so thankful and blessed that I will get to be a mommy again! Maddie did a great job telling Grammy that she was going to be a Big Sister!! My parents couldn't believe it and the look on their faces was priceless!
We are looking forward to next years Christmas picture to be a family of four!

We had a pile of snow at my parents house and there was no better place to be than at home. My sister baked cookies while the guys did some shoveling. It was so much fun to watch the kiddos play together. I only wish I was closer so we could spend some more time with each other. They all played so well!

I love that the girls had matching dresses! It is hard to get four little ones under the age of three to all look at the camera at once. But, we did the best we could! Papa and Grammy love their babies!

As far as pregnancy goes, I haven't been feeling the best. I have been super tired and feel like I need to eat a lot to feel better. I'm hoping this will pass soon and I will have a pregnancy like I did with Maddie? I loved being pregnant and it is my prayer that he/she will be healthy. The best thing about having a blog is I can document the events in our lives. Keep checking back and I will try to update more often. I wasn't quite sure why I wasn't feeling like myself, but was overjoyed when we figured out the news;)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Polar Express

Last night, Maddie and I met some friends and hopped on the Polar Express to head to the North Pole (Train Depot)! Once we arrived, we all listened to the story of the Polar Express! All of the kids received a little bell and got to see Santa! Maddie still isn't to sure of him and wouldn't sit on his lap.We enjoyed listening to carolers sing Christmas songs and looking at all of the trains in the museum.

Trevor and Maddie enjoyed looking out the window while on the train!

I'm so glad my friend Melanie invited us to go with her family! It was fun to watch the excitment on the children's faces!

The train was decorated so nice for Christmas and when it was time to get off, there were cookies, hot chocolate, and a fire to warm up by.

I can't believe that Christmas is almost here! I still have a little shopping to do and this weekend is so busy for us! We have practice for the Christmas program on Sunday and Maddie is excited that she gets to be a little sheep! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wow! It's been a long time....

Wow!! It has been a long time since I last updated me blog! You can tell that the Holidays are here and I feel like I haven't had much extra time these days. Maddie and I decorated our tree upstairs on November 16th! She was so excited to help that it made decorating a lot of fun!

Maddie in front of the tree before one of our girl shopping days. She is getting to a fun age to take all day. I just have to remember to have lots of snacks packed:)

Maddie was so excited to have Papa at our house and to "fancy dance" with her! My parents came for Thanksgiving and that is all Maddie talked about. She couldn't wait to have a sleepover and wear her dress-up dresses and dance. I think she wore her Papa out a little bit?

Maddie is always wanting to help in the kitchen any way that we will let her. She was excited to help Grammy make whipped cream for the pies. She pushes her chair right up to the counter and is always ready to lick the beaters when your done:)

On the Friday after Thanksgiving, we all headed down to Bayfront Park in Duluth to tour Bentleyville. There are thousands of lights displayed with hot chocolate and popcorn stands along with roasting marshmallow pits and visiting Santa. This is a huge thing for the City of Duluth and about 32,ooo people visited it over the weekend. It's a great place to bring your family and friends and it's free....donations accepted, and a lot of fun!

Maddie wanted to do her own thing and insisted on walking be herself and didn't care that there were a ton of other people there. She was hard to keep track of and thankfully Rob was with us to follow her around. She definitely is little Miss Independent!!

Uncle Matt and Auntie Shell had a fun time with our girl too! They came to our house Thanksgiving night and us girls were ready with our shopping shoes on and out the door by 3:30am on Black Friday. Shell, Mom and I had a lot of fun just spending time together doing what we all love the most....shopping!!!

Bob's brother Tom was also in town for Thanksgiving so he came up to visit us on the weekend! Maddie has been talking to Tom a lot via Skype so she was really excited when he came to visit.
Skype has been a great way to connect with family that lives away and makes it easier for Maddie to recognize who they are.

I feel so behind this year and really need to step it up! I haven't even sent out Christmas cards
and still have a lot of shopping to do. I don't know why I am having a hard time, but better get my act together! I'm very excited to get to go back to ND for Christmas this year! I can't wait for Maddie to get to play with her cousins and to watch them open presents on Christmas morning. Kids make Christmas time that much more special and we have so much to be thankful for!