Well it's about time that I updated my blog again. I just don't know where the time goes but it seems like it is flying by? I haven't had my camera out much and need to do a better job taking more pictures these days. Here are a few that I took with my cell phone to show what we have been up to this past week...Last Sunday was a beautiful day so we decided to swim in Maddie's little pool. I think she had more toys in there then water but she ended up having a great time! With everything that is going on this summer, we decided not to put up her big pool. I guess the little one will do for now!
Maddie went to the dentist for the first time today! She did such a great job and was completely relaxed and did everything that she was told. We were so proud of her!
Check out the cool shades she got to wear!
Dr. Bob is our neighbor so it's nice to see a familiar face. Here teeth looked great! They polished and gave her a fluoride treatment and she will go back in 6 months.
Here are few more pictures of my growing belly...
Here are few more pictures of my growing belly...
31 weeks
32 weeks
I had my Dr. appointment today and everything is going great! My visits go pretty fast because there aren't any concerns and I'm right on track. I'm still feeling pretty great except that I'm getting pretty big out front. I guess it comes with the territory and the next seven weeks will go by pretty fast! Bob and I have a lot of work to do to get the rooms ready but I'm sure that it will all work out fine...it usually does!
Last night I had the most amazing surprise!!!! Work was just a normal day and when I got home Bob decided that we would just go out to eat and watch a little of the Twins play. I thought nothing of it and off we went to Old Chicago for pizza. Bob dropped me off and was going to park so I went to get us a table. As they were seating me, I heard my name and it was my co-workers waiting for me! It was a surprised baby shower!!! I had now idea and was completely shocked! We ate, had cake and I got some really nice gifts and a very generous gift card. I'm very blessed to work with some really great people and had a wonderful time!!
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