Thursday, June 9, 2011

Almost a month...

I forgot that I had uploaded some pictures and never posted them to my blog. We have had a busy summer even if the weather has been awful! Here are a few pictures of the little ladies and some of all of the grand kids when we were in Minot Memorial weekend!

Maddie loved little Brady!

It's not easy getting six kids together to take a picture!

I have been busy making tutus!! More on that coming soon!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

I started out the morning with the sweetest little voice of Madelyn coming into my room telling me "Happy Mother's Day"! In her hand she had she had a beautiful card and a little box wrapped in tissue paper! Inside was a perfect necklace and on the front it was stamped with the word "mommy". Around the circle were the words "hand holder", "dream soother" and "love giver"! Bob got the necklace from Lisa Leonard designs and I love it!! It was a great start to my day!

The girls and I went to church this morning and brought Bob lunch to him at Menards. The rest of my day was spent hanging out with my two beautiful girls and doing little things around the house. Maddie painted me a picture and Amelia just crawled to be where ever I was. I really am blessed beyond my wildest dreams.

It took eight years for my dream of becoming a mother to come true. Mother's Day was a day I looked forward to because I have such a great mother, but there was always a little sadness into why I wasn't a mom? I guess I had to learn patients and know that's it's not all in my timing!

Motherhood has been the most amazing experience for me! I look at the girls and I can't believe that they are mine. They bring us so much joy and I am honored for them to call me Mommy! I pray that I will be the same mother to my girls as I have and I'm grateful for the example that was set before me!

Happy Mother's day to my beautiful Mom...I love you so much!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter, Birthday and Crawling!

I realize that it has been a while since I added some new pictures so here is what we have been up too..... The girls had fun coloring eggs with their aunties!

I was surprised how much Maddie loved hard boiled eggs. For the longest time she would only eat the white part, but now she want the whole thing with lots of salt!

Madelyn and Amelia all ready for church Easter morning!

Maddie was excited to go to church since it was pancake day! I love having her tell me what she had learned in Sunday School and the reason why we celebrate Easter. Easter baskets are fun but I want her to know the true meaning as she grows up and know that Jesus died on the cross for us!

My friend, Amy, invited us over for dinner with her family and it was wonderful! They planned a Easter Egg hunt for the kids and it was so fun to watch them run to find all of their treasures. We were lucky that it was actually a nice day outside and the kids had a blast!

My 34th birthday was May 1st so Bob and I took advantage of my mom being close by and stayed downtown Minneapolis for a night. We stayed at the beautiful Graves 601 hotel and had dinner at Fogo de Chao! It was great to spend some time with Bob since he had been working so much through his remodel at Menards. The following day we went to PF Changs for lunch and headed to Albertville to shop at the outlet stores. It was the perfect weekend for me and we had a wonderful time!

Miss Mia has had one busy day!! She cut her first tooth on the bottom and started to crawl! I better make sure everything is baby proofed because this girl is into everything! Maddie didn't get her first tooth until her first birthday so Mia is a little ahead of her! That explains why she has been waking up so much at night! I'm sure the poor girl has been so uncomfortable?

I wish I could slow down time! My girls are growing up way too fast and I want to treasure every milestone with them! My girls mean the world to me and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for picking me to be their mother!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Miss Madelyn!

What a weekend it has been! I can't believe that my Maddie is four and we had an exciting time with parties, presents, visitors and cake!CeCe and Maddie trying out the new tutu's that I made! Don't they look adorable! I'm so thankful that Maddie has such wonderful aunts that get involved and play with her!

Maddie was all ready for her party at Twin Ports Gymnastics! There were almost 20 kids there and they had a blast!
They had this awesome pit that the kids could run and jump into...the adults enjoyed it too!
Maddie flying down the trampoline!
So Much FUN....
It's hard to get that many kids to look one way and smile but they did great!
My birthday girl blowing our her candle! We tried to keep it simple with cupcakes, juice boxes, crackers, cheese sticks and grapes! There wasn't any cutting or pouring so it was easy to pass out the treats fast!
Maddie got so many wonderful gifts and they kids all gathered around as she was was crazy!
At the end it was Maddie's turn to hand out party favors. I had her thank everyone as she gave them their little gift. I would definitely go back there again for a party. It was great that they could run and play on whatever they wanted for an hour and then have cake and presents right after!
After the party, we went back to our house to have dinner with family and open more gifts. It was great that my parents were able to come along with Michelle and little Brady.
Maddie loves holding her baby cousin! He fits in her arms like her baby doll and she thinks he is so cute and tiny! It will be fun to watch him grow up and I'm glad that they live close enough that we will be able to have lots of play dates with him!
Maddie has been talking about having a Barbie cake since last winter. I'm not a Betty Crocker so we ordered her cake. They did a great job and Maddie picked out exactly what she wanted! It was just as tasty as it looks!

The Hogue Girls!

CeCe and Jan stayed with us the whole weekend and it was great to have them around! They were great help at the party and Jan made a fabulous meal Sunday night!

We went to church in the morning and it was nice to have someone to take a picture of all four of us together!
Maddie blowing out her candles on her cake! I had learned from another friends party to put Barbie's hands in the air otherwise her arms will melt from the candles!

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend (except the snow could have stayed away)! Everything went as planned and it was a great weekend for Maddie! My sweet girl is growing up so fast and we are so proud of her. She has a kind heart and makes everyone smile! She loves her friends and family and has brought us more joy then we could have ever imagined!

Happy Birthday my sweet Madelyn Grace!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Toby Gerhart

This week Bob is having his Re-Grand opening at Menards. He has been working really hard and it's nice to see everything fall into place. Tonight they brought in Toby Gerhart of the Minnesota Vikings to sign autographs so I brought the girls in to meet him and take a few pictures!I made the girls Viking tutus and I think they turned out pretty cute!
Mia was excited to meet Toby too!
Toby was a super nice guy and everyone had a great time!
This is Shawn! He is an amazing guy who I met working at the credit union. He is a big Vikings fan and I was glad that I was there to take a picture of him! Can you see how excited he it!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Brady!

I got a phone call from my sister Sunday afternoon telling me that she thought she might be in labor? She wasn't really sure since she wasn't due for two more weeks. I told her that I would be ready when I got the call. She decided to go to the hospital and I patiently waited...

At 8:30 pm, Matt called and told me to get on the road. With bags packed and camera in had, I was out the door!

When I got to the hospital, Michelle was doing great and was dialated to a six. I was so proud of her and made it look so easy. She chose to get an epideral in hopes to get a little rest before it was time to deliver.

I love this picture...she looks so excited and ready to have a baby!!
Brady Myers Ruhland

4/04/2011 @ 3:57 am

5 lbs 7 oz. 19 3/4"

Perfect healthly little boy!!

And then there were three....

This is Matt's brother Kevin who is celebrating his 21st birthday today! He was really excited to share his day with his new nephew!

Michelle was a rock star and I was so honored to be a part of her delivery! What an amazing experince to witness the birth of a beautiful baby! Everyone is thrilled that he is healthy and we love that the girls will have another cousin to grow up and play with!

Congratulations Matt and Michelle!

You guys are going to be incredible parents...Love you!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rochester Visit

We had a great time in Rochester this past weekend. I was glad that I had Friday off so as soon as Bob was finished with work, we were on the road. I'm so thankful that both of the girls travel so well! Maddie talked most of the way and started the 'are we there yet' game. My girl is getting so big! She rolls from her tummy to her back, but that's it. She will lay on her back and scoot across the floor. I think we are going to be in trouble once she learns to crawl. She reaches for everything and wants it in her mouth!

Janet made the most fabulous lobster chowder for dinner and Maddie helped her bake a cake. Maddie loves to help in the kitchen and Jan is a great teacher.

CeCe and the girls!

It was great to see Phyllis this weekend since we hadn't seen her since Christmas. She had fallen and broke her hip so she has now moved from an assistant living facility to a nursing home. She has the most amazing attitude and everyone loves her! She loves to watch the girls and lights up when we come to visit.

Tonight I thought I would save some time and put both of the girls in the bath tub together. It was crazy!! Mia was going all over the place and I think I need to keep her contained in her own infant bath for a little while longer. The girls were splashing and making a mess so I got Amelia out and they didn't play much together. I have to say that they are pretty cute together!!

Friday, March 18, 2011


I love, love, love this song!
Some of God's greatest blessings come in his perfect time and not our own. I think of the time in my life when I struggled with trying to have a baby. There were many nights that I cried and prayed that I would someday be a mom. Looking back, I see that God had a plan for us and through those tears and heartache brought us the most amazing gifts I could ever ask for. Sometimes it is hard to see the blessings in those times and I'm thankful for a loving God that hears our prayers and knows our every need!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Can you tell that these girls are sisters???Mia at 6 months...

Maddie at 8 months....

Oh my goodness! I can't believe that is has been almost one month since I last updated! Yes, we seem to be busy all of the time, but I want to remember what we have been up to and how the girls are doing? So, here we go.... I love that Maddie loves her sissy so much! She is so good to her and loves to make her laugh!

Miss Amelia is seven months old now and still hasn't decided that she wants to roll over or crawl. She loves to stand in her exersaucer so I thought it was cute when she was standing by herself. She cries when she ends up on her belly and Maddie is usually there to help her back up and bring her what she needs so I'm sure she is in no hurry to get moving!

I can't believe that this sweet face will be four years old next month! She is no longer my baby and is growing up too fast! We have started planning her party and we are going to that it at Twin Ports Gymnastics! The kids can play, have cake and ice cream and I don't have to have it all at my house. She is so excited to have a birthday and I hope to make the day special for her!

Both of our girls love bath time! Mia has started to cry when it's time to get out! She loves to splash in the water and chew on the wash cloth. (Don't you just love all of her rolls?)

Mia continues to be a wonderful baby! She always has a smile of her face and has brought our family so much joy! There are days that I still can't believe that she is ours and I thank God for two beautiful, healthy little girls!

This past weekend we started Maddie in ice skating lessons. I was so impressed how well she did! The lessons are a half hour and then the kids can practice and stay on the ice if they want to. I had told her on the way that she would fall a lot and just had to get back up so she would learn. Every time she fell, she was quick to let the coaches know that she was okay! They were teaching the kids to fall and get back up and she needed help during lessons. By the time we left, she had figured out how to get up by herself and the older kids were a really great help! She wanted to stay and watch the other kids skate and we ended up being there about two hours. I hope she continues to have fun and learns to skate well. It helps that our neighbor is in charge of Learn To Skate and she was great offering an extra hand.

I thought this was really cute! Bob was playing with the girls' blocks and this is what he came up with.

We have another busy weekend planned! We are going down to Rochester to visit Bob's family and see his mom. She had fallen earlier this winter and broke her hip. She has been moved to a nursing home and we haven't been able to go visit her yet. Bob has been so busy with his store going through a remodel that we need to go while we can.